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My name is Julio Gallinotti, I'm from Salto, Uruguay. I started this beautiful path in 2003, feeling an immense need to find something that would help me achieve the peace, harmony and balance that I needed in my life. I was initiated into this path of light by a great Master,Silvia Wachter, and then I continued in it until I received a Master's Degree from the Paradharmas Das school in Argentina in 2007. In 2019 I began to walk my path as an Akashic Records Reader, guided byLucyandLorraine Spike, ofSoul Tribe Academy. In the year 2021 I completed the second level, which enables me to read the Akashic Records of other people, to help in much-needed healing and guidance. If you want to know more, contact me and I will gladly answer all your questions.

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